Conisternum decipiens
Jowls, occiput and orbits greyish and frons reddish yellow. Thorax grey with longitudinal brown stripes dorsally and with a brownish spot on the mesopleuron. Abdomen grey. Femora grey, tibia and tarsi reddish brown. Antennae small and black. Palps yellowish brown. Proboscis shining black. Wing length: ♂ 4.8 - 5.5 - 6.2 mm (6); ♀ 5.7 - 5.9 - 6.2 mm (4).
A scarce southern species. Habitat preferences unclear, but mostly recorded from damp places including coastal marsh, vegetation around ponds, long vegetation in fen (especially Carex beds) and carr woodland. Mostly recorded from southern England, although there are records from Yorks, Pembroke and Perth. Adults from March to November. Notable according to Falk (1991).
World distribution: Palaearctic: Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Ireland, Netherlands; North Africa: Algeria; Russia: Karelia, Tajikistan; Nearctic: Canada.