Cordilura ustulata
Discovered in May 1991 at Murder Moss, part of the Whitlaw Mosses NNR in Selkirkshire, by J.M.Nelson in Carex fen where a total of seven specimens were found on three visits between 8.v and 19.v (Nelson, 1992)[1]. Closely related to C. (S.) hyalinipennis and the differences are discussed under that species. Wing length: ♂ 5.6 mm (1); ♀ 5.5 mm (1).
Only known from the Whitlaw Mosses NNR in the Scottish Borders in Britain. According to Nelson (1992)[1] this is very much a northern species recorded in Europe most commonly from Finland and Lapland and, more widely, across northern Russia, Asia and Canada.
World distribution: Palaearctic: Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden; Russia: northern European and east Palaearctic; Nearctic: Canada, USA.