Nanna flavipes
General description:
Legs completely yellow. Wing length: ♂ 3.2 - 3.7 - 4.1 mm (3); ♀ 3.2 - 4.0 - 4.5 mm (13).
Hackman (1956)[1] regards it as a common species of Phleum meadows along with N. armillata.
Collin (1958)[1] regards this species as local and records it from southern England, but Chandler (quoted in Irwin, 1975[2]) reports taking in frequently in south-eastern England. Irwin (1975)[2] also records it from Ireland.
World distribution: Palaearctic: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland; Russia: European and eastern Palaearctic, White Sea.